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03.09.2015 Web log RV Sonne in the Pacific Ocean

Scientists write reports on board of the German Research Vessel Sonne in the Pacific Ocean.
Foto F. Peters
Read the blog here
Chief scientists Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius
Cruise SO242-2

The work is extending the investigations
started during leg 242/1 with a modified
focus and using other methods. The main aim is to characterize and quantify effects of
anthropogenic disturbances – as they may
occur in the context of deep-sea mining – on
deep-sea ecosystems. The focus of the investigations
is on the composition of benthic
communities (mainly mega-, meio-, and
megafauna) as well as on ecosystem functions
(biogeochemical processes, transfer of
matter and energy in food webs, ecotoxicology).
In addition, observations of physicochemical
characteristics of seafloor habitats
and the overlying benthic boundary layer
are carried out. Investigations are performed
at stations that were subject to different
levels of disturbance during the DISCOL
experiment 1989. A large proportion of
the work will be based on autonomous instruments
that are deployed by means of
ROV and lander systems. In addition, ROVmanipulated
and ship-based instruments are
used for targeted sampling and surveys.
Besides, experiments and small-scale disturbances
are carried out and sampled directly
at the seafloor by means of ROV.
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