
Journal articles


Fadeev E, Cardozo-Mino MG, Rapp JZ, Bienhold C, Salter I, Salman-Carvalho V, et al. (2021). Comparison of Two 16S rRNA Primers (V3–V4 and V4–V5) for Studies of Arctic Microbial Communities. Frontiers in Microbiology 12(283). doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.637526

2020 Kiesel J, Bienhold C, Wenzhöfer F, Link H (2020). Variability in Benthic Ecosystem Functioning in Arctic Shelf and Deep-Sea Sediments: Assessments by Benthic Oxygen Uptake Rates and Environmental Drivers. Frontiers in Marine Science 7 (426). doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00426
  Rossel PE, Bienhold C, Hehemann L, Dittmar T, Boetius A (2020) Molecular Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Sediment Porewater of the Arctic Deep-Sea Observatory HAUSGARTEN (Fram Strait). Frontiers in Marine Science 7 (428). doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00428
  *Hoff­mann K, *Bi­en­hold C, But­ti­gieg PL, Knittel K, Laso-Pé­rez R, Rapp JZ,  Boe­ti­us A, Off­re P (2020). Di­ver­si­ty and me­ta­bo­lism of Woeseiales bac­te­ria, glo­bal mem­bers of ma­ri­ne se­di­ment com­mu­nities. ISME J. * authors contributed equally.
2019 Varliero G, Bienhold C, Schmid F, Boetius A, Molari M (2019). Microbial Diversity and Connectivity in Deep-Sea Sediments of the South Atlantic Polar Front. Frontiers in Microbiology 10 (665). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.00665
2018  Braeckman U., Janssen F., Lavik G., Elvert M., Marchant H., Buckner C., Bienhold C., Wenzhöfer F. (2018) Carbon and nitrogen turnover in the Arctic deep sea: in situ benthic community response to diatom and coccolithophorid phytodetritus. Biogeosciences. 15:6537–6557 doi:10.5194/bg-15-6537-2018
  Buttigieg P.L., Fadeev E., Bienhold C., Hehemann L., *Offre P., Boetius A. (2018) Marine microbes in 4D – using time series observation to assess the dynamics of the ocean microbiome and its links to ocean health. Current Opinion in Microbiology 43: 169–185 [link]
  Fadeev E, Salter I, Schourup-Kristensen V, Nöthig, E-M, Metfies K, Engel A, Piontek J,Boe­t­ius A, Bi­en­hold C (2018) Mi­cro­bial com­munit­ies in the east and west Fram Strait dur­ing sea ice melt­ing sea­son. Fron­ti­ers in Miarine Science, 5:429 [link]
  Rapp J.Z., Fernandez-Mendez M., Bienhold C., Boetius A. (2018) Effects of ice-algal aggregate export on the connectivity of bacterial communities in the central Arctic Ocean. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9:1035. [link]
2017 Hoffmann K., Hassenrück C., Salman-Carvalho V., Holtappels M., Bienhold C. (2017) Response of bacterial communities to different detritus composition in Arctic deep-sea sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology 8:266. [link]
  Jousset A, Bienhold C, Chatzinotas A, Gallien L, Gobet A, et al. (2017) Where less may be more: how the rare biosphere pulls ecosystems strings. ISME J 11, 853–862 [link]
  Pop Ristova P., Bienhold C., Wenzhöfer F., Rossel P.E., Boetius A. (2017) Tem­poral and spa­tial vari­ations of bac­terial and faunal com­munit­ies as­so­ci­ated with deep-sea wood falls. PloS one 12(1): e0169906. [link]
2016 Rossel P.E., Bienhold C., Boetius A., Dittmar T. (2016) Dis­solved or­ganic mat­ter in pore wa­ter of Arc­tic Ocean sed­i­ments: in­flu­ence of the en­vir­on­ment on the mo­lecu­lar com­pos­i­tion. Or­ganic Geo­chem­istry 97: 41-52. [link]
  Bienhold C, Zinger L, Boetius A, Ramette A (2016) Diversity and Biogeography of Bathyal and Abyssal Seafloor Bacteria. PLoS ONE 11(1):e0148016. [link]
2013 Boetius A, Albrecht S, Bakker K, Bienhold C, Felden J, et al. (2013) Export of Algal Biomass from the Melting Arctic Sea Ice. Science 339: 1430-1432. [link]
  Bienhold C, Pop Ristova P, Wenzhöfer F, Dittmar T, Boetius A (2013) How Deep-Sea Wood Falls Sustain Chemosynthetic Life. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53590. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053590 [link]
2012 Borda E, Kudenov JD, Bienhold C, Rouse G (2012) Towards a revised Amphinomidae (Annelida, Amphinomida): description and affinities of a new genus and species from the Nile Deep-sea Fan, Mediterranean Sea. Zoologica Scripta41 (3): 307-325. [link]
  Bienhold C, Boetius A, Ramette A (2012) The energy-diversity relationship of complex bacterial communities in Arctic deep-sea sediments. The ISME Journal 6:724-732 [link]
  Böggemann M, Bienhold C, Gaudron SM (2012) A new species of Glyceridae (Annelida: "Polychaeta") recovered from organic substrate experiments at cold seeps in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biodiversity 42 (1): 47-54. [link]
2010 Schauer R, Bienhold C, Ramette A and Harder J (2010) Bacterial diversity and biogeography in deep-sea surface sediments of the South Atlantic Ocean. The ISME Journal 4 (2): 159-170. [link]
2009 Boetius A, Bienhold C, Schöttner S, Ufkes J, Ramette A (2009) Fingerabdrücke mikrobieller Gemeinschaften im Meer. BIOspektrum 07/2009: 726-729


Book chapter

2017 Bienhold C, Boëtius A (2017) Mikroorganismen des Tiefseebodens: Vielfalt, Verteilung, Funktion. In Faszination Meeresforschung (pp. 211-222). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

PhD thesis


Bienhold, C (2011). Diversity and ecology of bacterial communities at the deep seafloor. PhD thesis. Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology / University of Bremen.

PhD thesis for download


Oral presentations

Bienhold C, Wenzhöfer F, Boetius A (2015) Benthic bacterial communities in a changing Arctic Ocean – a case study on the Laptev Sea continental margin. Gordon Research Seminar – Polar Marine Sciences, 15-20 March 2015, Lucca, Italy.

Bienhold C, Wenzhöfer F, Boetius A (2013) Benthic bacterial communities in a changing Arctic Ocean – a case study on the Laptev Sea margin (Arctic Ocean). Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM), 10-13 March 2013, Bremen, Germany.

Bienhold C, Zinger L, Boetius A, Ramette A (2012) Global biogeographic patterns of bacterial communities in deep-sea surface sediments. Gordon Research Seminar – Marine Microbes, 23-24 June 2012, Lucca, Italy. Invited speaker

Bienhold C, Pop Ristova P, Wenzhöfer F, Boetius A (2011) Wood falls as biological and biogeochemical hotspots in the deep sea. HERMIONE workshop (WP5, Chemosynthetic ecosystems), Ghent, Belgium, 16-18 November 2011.

Bienhold C, Zinger L, Boetius A, Ramette A (2011) Global distribution patterns of seafloor bacteria in the deep sea. SAME-12, Rostock-Warnemünde, 28 August - 2 September 2011.

Bienhold C, Boetius A, Ramette A (2010). A baseline for assessing the impact of global environmental change on bacterial communities in the Arctic. PhD Student Conference “Integrated climate and earth system sciences in Northern Germany”, Hamburg.

Bienhold C, Boetius A and Ramette, A (2009). Spatial gradients in microbial biodiversity of Arctic Ocean sediments: from shelf to deep sea. ASLO, Nice, 25-30 January 2009.

Bienhold C, Wenzhöfer F, Le Bris N, Boetius A (2008) Wood colonization experiments in the Eastern Mediterranean deep sea. CHEMECO/ DIWOOD Meeting, Paris, June 16/17, 2008.

Poster presentations

Bienhold C, Wenzhöfer F, Boetius A (2015) Benthic bacterial communities in a changing Arctic Ocean – a case study on the Laptev Sea continental margin. Gordon Research Conference – Polar Marine Sciences, 15-20 March 2015, Lucca, Italy.

Bienhold C, Wenzhöfer F, Boetius A (2014) Changes in a benthic ecosystem on the Laptev Sea continental margin between two contrasting years (1993 and 2012). Arctic Change Conference 2014, 8-12 December 2014, Ottawa, Canada.

Bienhold C, Wenzhöfer F, Boetius A (2013) Benthic bacterial communities in a changing Arctic Ocean – a case study on the Laptev Sea continental margin. SAME-13, September 8-13, 2013, Stresa, Italy.

Bienhold C, Zinger L, Boetius A, Ramette A (2012) Global biogeographic patterns of bacterial communities in deep-sea surface sediments. Gordon Research Conference – Marine Microbes, 24-29 June 2012, Lucca, Italy. Outstanding Young Researcher Poster Award 

Bienhold C, Boetius A, Ramette A (2011). Response of complex bacterial communities to changing energy availability in Arctic deep-sea sediments. Jacques Monod Conference “Integrative ecological genomics”. Roscoff, France, 15-19 October 2011.

Bienhold C, Boetius A, Ramette A (2011). Response of complex bacterial communities to changing energy availability in Arctic deep-sea sediments. Bremen PhD Days in Marine Science 2011, Bremen. Best Poster Award 

Bienhold C, Boetius A, Ramette A (2010). Environmental drivers of benthic bacterial diversity along the Arctic continental slope. ISME-13 Conference, Seattle, August 22-27, 2010.

Bienhold C, Sogin M L, Boetius A, Ramette A (2009). Analysis and ecological interpretation of microbial community patterns derived from ARISA fingerprinting and 454 tag sequencing. ICoMM 454 User Meeting, Woods Hole, 6-9 April 2009.

Bienhold C, Wenzhöfer F, Le Bris N, Ramette A and Boetius, A (2008). Wood colonization experiments in the Eastern Mediterranean deep sea. EGU General Meeting, Vienna, 13-18 April 2008.

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