  • Presse
  • Susanne Erdmann: Viruses infecting archaea from "extreme" environments: what we can learn from them

Susanne Erdmann: Viruses infecting archaea from "extreme" environments: what we can learn from them

23.02.2018, 15:00


Freitag, 23. Februar 2018 
im neuen Auditorium (4012) um 15 Uhr

Susanne Erdmann (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)

gibt ein Seminar zum Thema: 

Virus infecting archaea from "extreme" environments: what we can learn from them



Archaea are present in environments that resemble early Earth, habe revealed novel lineages that are possible relics of an ancient past and offer insight into cellular evolution. By comparison, the evolution of virus, including their origin and relationship to other extrachromosomal elements and ancestral cellular life, is less certain. I have been studying virus from diverse 'extreme' environments including hot springs and Antarctic lakes and discovered novel virus and extrachromosomal elements possessing unique morphologies, genome content and interactions with their hosts. My studies aim to improve our understanding of viral evolution and virus-host relationship.

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