
AcademiaNet is an international portal featuring profiles of excellent female scientists from all disciplines from Germany and abroad. It was initiated in 2010 by the Robert Bosch Stiftung in cooperation with Spektrum der Wissenschaft.

In order to further promote equal opportunity between woman and men in the Max Planck Society the MPG is financing the nomination of excellent female scientists for the AcademiaNet by Directors of Max Planck Institutes as an important and valuable instrument. Female researchers thus move into the focus of those who sit on scientific committees or hold management postions, report on research, design conference programmes or who wish to involve female experts in decision-making. AcademiaNet is mainly used by universities, institutions of higher education and non-university research institutions, but also by specialist journals.

From January 2020, MPI Directors can again nominate female scientists for the network. Nominations of one or more excellent female scientists for the network should be submitted directly to the MPG.

Link to: AcademiaNet

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